Lsat Conversion Table 2016 Download Free For Windows 10
That or they are just trying to get more members, and letting in great LSAT scorers is one way to do it that looks legit.. The LSAT is, however, certainly testing something a lot closer to the what an IQ test does than say, the SAT, which is not even close. 1
Even if that 105 number is right (it seems a little low) Id venture a guess that the average LSAT taker has a somewhat higher IQ than the average college grad. Click
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Other than the issue of good taste, the number probably isnt terribly accurate!LSAT TO IQ Chart #1This chart, courtesy of some grad students quant blog, runs a linear regression analysis from the numbers used by five high IQ societies that accept LSAT tests for entrance.. Well show you the best attempt we saw to convert LSAT to IQ and do a little lay analysis.. It seems at least plausible then that the LSAT could give you a ballpark idea of what youll score on an IQ test.. Also, this blogger used an IQ of 105 as the base line for the average LSAT taker, 105 being the supposed average IQ of all college graduates. 6e4e936fe3 HERE
Smart people bomb the LSAT all the time and only later pull it together to get a great score.. IQ societies appear to simply use the percentile LSAT as if it would be equivalent to an IQ test percentile as long as you accounted for difference in the two populations taking the test.